CCF – International Matters

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On Friday 27 January, President Trump signed Executive Order 13769 which is titled ‘Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States’. This Executive Order restricted people from seven countries from entering the United States.

Much of the world is in shock that Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. This week CEFA decided to take a closer look at the similarities between the Australian and the US constitutions and our representative democracies.

We had a huge social media response last week to our comparative article about the separation of powers in Australia and the US. Questions and comments about the role of Commander-in-Chief in Australia and the US kept popping up.

Australians from all walks of life are increasingly engrossed in the upcoming US Presidential election. The President’s powers are enshrined in the American Constitution.

It’s very hard to have a civil conversation about asylum seekers in Australia. It’s a very polarising topic.

We had a lot of interest in our article about the upcoming Queensland state referendum. A lot of people were surprised to learn that much of the Queensland Constitution can be changed by a simple Act of parliament.

In a globalised world that was unimaginable at federation, we explore how international law and domestic law function together under the Australian Constitution.

One of the latest cases brought to the High Court challenging the Constitutional validity of the Federal Government’s offshore immigration detention program was heard by the full bench on 7 and 8 October.

Over the past week or so with thousands of Syrian refugees on the move in Europe and the media coverage of the drowning of little Aylan Kurdi in Turkey, there has been a huge reaction to the refugee crisis in Syria throughout the world.


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